How a respiratory illness can disrupt your sleep

Respiratory diseases are conditions that affect the various structures of the human respiratory system, such as the lungs, trachea, pharynx, larynx, nose and mouth, affecting all age groups. Most of these conditions are strongly associated with air quality and lifestyle.

Although numerous possible complications exist, varying in degree, one of the issues that demand the highest degree of attention is those changes that occur at sleep, sometimes preventing persons from resting adequately, forcing them to wake up several times during the night. This, in turn, triggers other problems, such as productivity, anxiety, depression, etc.

We explain here how a respiratory disease can disrupt sleep, what can be done in order to alleviate the discomfort caused, and other equally relevant aspects. Keep reading!

How important is a good night’s sleep?

In sleep, the body performs its major restorative functions, including synthesis of proteins and repair of tissues. Additionally, in this period, the regulation of metabolism and replenishment of energy ensure a sound body and mind.

Thus, when less hours are slept than desired (albeit in relation to the established average of seven to nine hours per night) , body functioning is disrupted, even promoting the development of certain conditions, such as:

  • heart problems;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • anxiety and depression.

On the other hand, when you maintain a healthy routine, with well-established times for going to sleep and waking up , your body starts to function as a kind of “clock” and several benefits can be observed . Some examples are:

  • the prevention of some diseases and the strengthening of the immune system, since sleep deprivation has the potential to reduce some of our body’s defense cells, which makes us more prone to infections and other conditions;
  • improving memory capacity, after all, between the sleep phases, there is one in which the brain processes the information received throughout the day, performs “filtering” and, finally, stores what is really important;
  • increased productivity, given that, with proper rest, the tendency is that, when we wake up, we have much more energy, which can even be seen in our ability to concentrate;
  • While sleep deprivation has the capability to hinder the serotonin hormone that creates the feeling of relaxation and calm, improving mood is another potential benefit of proper sleeping.

What are the harms associated with respiratory problems?

A respiratory disease triggers inflammation and irritation, and can even cause obstruction of the airways, impairing breathing . Some conditions may begin in the trachea or nose, later “spreading” to other structures, or may remain only in the lungs.

However, it is important to highlight that the opposite can also occur, so that diseases that start in other areas of our body can affect the lungs. Thus, respiratory diseases can be generated.

Whatever the case, the fact is that this difficulty breathing can make a person wake up several times throughout the night, even if they don’t even realize it, and then go back to sleep in what is known as “micro-awakening”.

In these circumstances, the body usually does not rest as it should. Thus, in the long term, some effects of this deprivation can be noticed in everyday life, such as a drop in productivity and an increase in stress levels .

How can airway obstruction interfere with rest?

Characterized by partial or total obstruction of the airways while the individual sleeps, the condition known as sleep apnea causes repeated temporary stops in breathing. As a result, sleep is interrupted numerous times due to the lack of oxygen in the body.

This, in turn, causes daytime drowsiness and tiredness. However, other factors can also be responsible for the negative impacts on sleep, such as the position in bed. After all, those who sleep on their backs are more likely to suffer from breathing problems during the night.

In the same sense, excess weight is another factor that contributes to poor sleep quality, as overweight people can accumulate fat in the pharynx area. This compromises the passage of air.

What can I do to alleviate breathing difficulties while sleeping?

Sleeping poorly can have consequences , and for this reason, the starting point for alleviating the discomfort caused by poor quality sleep is to identify what is causing breathing difficulties during the night. Proper diagnosis is essential in certain cases, such as apnea, which requires treatment.

Nonetheless, even though curable chronic diseases may not exist, certain changes in daily activities can ease the discomfort. In this sense, for instance, it is critical:

  • wash your hands regularly to avoid contact with possible allergens and contaminants;
  • hydrate yourself frequently, as this helps to avoid allergies, flu and colds;
  • do not smoke, as smoke is highly harmful to the structures of our respiratory system;
  • give preference to a balanced and balanced diet in order to strengthen the immune system;
  • avoid breathing through the mouth, as the nose acts to “filter” impurities and heat oxygen;
  • use nebulization regularly if there is a pre-existing respiratory disease, as this practice helps to clear the nasal passages, facilitating the passage of air;
  • wash your nose with saline solution to eliminate bacteria and other invaders;
  • avoid dry or air-conditioned places, as low humidity can dry out mucous membranes;
  • evaluate with a health professional the possibility of administering a herbal medicine with rapid onset of action, which is indicated for insomnia.

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